What are white spots on teeth?
White spots on teeth can look unsightly and greatly affect your confidence to smile.
Patients from Milton Keynes, Bletchley, Bedford and throughout Buckinghamshire are now using a revolutionary white spot dental treatment to remove white spots from teeth.
White spots on teeth are caused by a lack of mineral content in the enamel on your teeth. Some possible reasons for white spots on teeth are:
- Fluorosis – if you consumed too much fluoride when you were a child whilst your adult teeth were forming, this can cause discolouration to the enamel
- If you suffered a trauma or illness when young, this could cause white spots to develop on adult teeth
- Mineral loss can be caused by poor oral hygiene. Poor brushing causes plaque, and the acid found in plaque can damage the enamel on your tooth if it is left for too long. This is why some people find white spots develop on teeth when wearing fixed braces for a long period of time
Before and after white spot removal

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How can you treat white spots on teeth?
They are caused by several factors. Many of our clients believe they have developed white spots due to overbrushing or even through bumping or chipping a tooth. The truth is, there are several reasons why you may develop a white spot or two on your teeth — and some may have been there for your whole life and are only now becoming visible to you. Your white spots can occur because of:
- Fluorosis: this occurs when there is a very high fluoride intake when the adult teeth are developing. This is quite rare today, and especially in younger people, as fluoride supplements have tighter regulations now than they have had in the past
- Decalcification: this causes white spots when minerals are lost from the enamel. It can be caused by irregular brushing but is also common during fixed brace treatments because of lapses in excellent oral hygiene. The reason this is common is because cleaning around the brace brackets can be difficult
- Molar Incisal Hypoplasia: this is a type of enamel deficiency usually occurring in children under the age of 10. MIH can cause teeth to suffer more from sensitivity and decay, and this condition can also take the form of white spots
- Historic trauma: If you experienced trauma to your teeth as an infant, this may have caused white spots to form on your teeth, as they grew inside your gums. To understand how this might happen, think of this form of the white spots as a type of bruise, but in the enamel and structure of your teeth.
Are white spots just staining?
Previously, patients with white spots on teeth would attempt to disguise them with veneers or teeth whitening treatment.
Now there is a simple and gentle treatment available that does not require drills or injections that is called Icon Spot Removal.
The process for Icon white spot treatment is as follows:
- First, the tooth is prepared with a special gel and then the tooth is dried
- The Icon resin is applied to your tooth which penetrates deep into the enamel
- A special light is the placed over your teeth which fills in the air pockets leaving you with natural looking teeth and no white spots
How much does Icon White Spot Removal cost in Milton Keynes?
Each patient is unique, and the cost of your white spot treatment will depend upon how many teeth are affected. As an average guide, the removal of white spots on teeth cost £